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Ripper's Virgin Bride Page 6
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Page 6
“Yeah, Mrs. Hattie, the owner, is great. She seemed impressed by my bartending skills. I start work tomorrow.”
“That’s great, baby.” He pulled her into a hug and planted a deep, wet kiss on her mouth while Lily slipped her hands under his leather jacket, resting them on his chest. He pulled his mouth away. “You still want to meet Bear?”
“I did promise him.” She sounded reluctant.
Ripper handed her a helmet and put on his own before mounting his bike. “Let’s get this over with then.”
“Ripper, promise me you won’t punch him.”
Ripper raised an eyebrow. “You think so little of my self-control?”
She shook his head. “It’s Bear. He knows you, what easily ticks you off, and I think he’s really trying hard to change.”
Ripper had been so busy, trying to negotiate with the Devil Riders and taking care of other club business that he didn’t have much time to check on Bear. The rest of his time, he reserved for his girl. No matter how busy he got, Ripper always made time for Lily.
Iron and Crow did mention Bear was acting differently. Decent. Manageable. Crow even said Bear hadn’t brought up any drinks to his room either. Hard to believe, but Ripper was going to see for himself tonight.
“A man can’t change overnight, or after a few days,” Ripper reminded Lily just in case she got her hopes up. She was too good, too gentle and forgiving. Lily even told him she regretted the harsh words she might’ve exchanged with Bear earlier. His best friend better make good on his promises or there would be hell to pay.
Lily got behind him and wrapped her arms around him. “I know, but I can hope.”
Ripper revved up his engine and headed for Rita’s. He found a free parking spot in the back. Ripper helped Lily down.
“I’m not sure if he’s there yet. I forgot to ask what time his AA meeting ended,” Lily said. He noticed she kept smoothing the hem of her dress.
“Baby, relax. You’re so tense,” Ripper said, gripping her shoulders. “It’ll be fine. There’s nothing to be worried about.”
“I can’t even remember the last time we had dinner together. Plus, you’re not here as his best friend but as my boyfriend.”
“I’ll behave. I promise. I won’t punch him in the face if it’s not necessary.” Ripper meant it to be a joke but Lily only bit on her bottom lip. He gave her a slow and sweet kiss. That seemed to calm her down.
“It’s not you I’m worried about.” Lily took deep breaths. “Don’t know why I’m nervous anyway. He’s the one who needs to fix himself.”
Lily rubbed her arms. Ripper took off his jacket and placed it over her shoulders. The smile she flashed him made his dick hard. Ripper could get her on his motorcycle again and drive them back to the club house. He’d lock her up in his room. Have her all for himself. Who cared about Bear?
Tonight was important to his girl, Ripper reminded himself.
“Let’s just go in. It’s cold out tonight.”
She nodded. Ripper offered her his arm, which she took. He led her inside Rita’s. It was a Friday night, so it was crowded. Ripper looked for an empty table and found Bear already taking up the booth by the window. His best friend wore a scowl as their gazes met.
“He’s right over there,” he said in Lily’s ear. They joined Bear’s table. “You’re early, that’s rare.”
“How did your meeting go?” Lily asked, sliding inside the booth first. She folded Ripper’s jacket and set it down.
Ripper joined her and slid his arms over her shoulders. Lily gave him a silent, questioning look. Bear banged his fist on the table. Ripper realized he couldn’t keep his promise to Lily about behaving. He refused to act any differently around his woman just because Bear was there. Sooner or later, Bear had to accept the facts. Ripper wasn’t going anywhere, and Lily and him? They weren’t just an item for now. Ripper planned to make her his bride.
“Bear?” Lily prodded.
“Meeting was fine. Boring.”
“You didn’t talk?”
Bear continued flashing him a death stare. Ripper grabbed a menu for Lily and him to share.
“Well, it doesn’t matter. You will someday,” Lily said. “These things take time.”
“What were you up to today?” Bear asked.
“Who are you directing that question to? Me or her?” Ripper asked.
“Stop feeling my daughter up. We’re in a public place.”
“He’s not feeling me up,” Lily said in a quiet voice. “He just put his arms around me.”
“What’s your problem, Bear? You invited us for dinner. Here we are.”
“I thought I’d be fine with this development but I’m not so sure anymore.”
Chapter Twelve
“I can’t believe this,” Lily said. “I knew you’d be unreasonable. I thought the three of us could get together, have a nice meal. Is that so hard to ask for?
A waitress came around to ask for their orders. All Lily wanted to do was leave and get back on Ripper’s Harley. Go for a ride with her man. That would help cool her head. Maybe after, Ripper could help her forget about this miserable dinner by fucking her senseless.
What was she thinking? Lily couldn’t give up yet. She wanted to hear Bear out a little.
“Coffee for me, tea for her,” Ripper said. “Come back a little later. We haven’t decided on dinner yet.”
Once the waitress left, Bear pulled out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and lit one up. Lily didn’t approve of him smoking so much either but she was guessing he needed another outlet after quitting the bottle.
“I made myself sit through that stupid meeting even though I wanted to bolt the first five minutes,” Bear told her. “I did that for you.”
“Do it for yourself, not for anyone else. Bear, I thought you were going to be cool with Ripper and I being together.”
“I stand by what I said before. You could do better. What’s wrong with finding someone your own age?”
Was Bear joking? Couldn’t Bear see how right Ripper was for her? There was no other man for her but Ripper. She’d always known that, deep in her heart and soul.
“I don’t want any other man but him, Dad. He’s the one.”
“You sure you didn’t make a mistake?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Believe me, Bear, I tried to stay away,” Ripper said. “But that only made things worse.”
“Try harder.”
“Too late for that,” Ripper answered.
“Why is that?” Bear demanded.
“Because I plan to ask Lily to marry me soon.”
Lily’s heart nearly stopped at those words. He’d completely rendered her speechless. She forgot why she was mad at Bear in the first place.
“Then what? You want her to continue living with you in the club house? What kind of life is that for my daughter?”
Of course Bear had to spoil Ripper’s romantic moment.
“Of course not. I just got off the phone with my realtor this morning. We’re getting a place in town, an apartment not far from the club house. I’m crazy about this woman, Bear.” Ripper reached for her hand and she squeezed his fingers. “My woman.”
Lily couldn’t believe this was really happening. How perfect was her man? She’d been focused on finding a new job, on taking a single day at a time, but Ripper? It turned out he was making plans for their future.
“You have a realtor?” Lily asked, shocked. When did Ripper have the time to look for apartments?
“You’re serious,” Bear told Ripper, lowering his cigarette.
“Of course he is. Did you think we’re just screwing around?” she asked Bear.
“You know me, Bear. After Jeanne, I didn’t think I could fall for any other woman, but Lily proved me wrong. I’m tired of fighting my desire for her. She’s it for me and whether you approve or not, I intend on making her my old lady.”
“Lily, you’re fine with this? If you marry Ripper, you’ll forever be stuck
here, with this life,” Bear said. “Think about this more clearly.”
“I don’t care that Ripper and you are Skull Crushers. I grew up in that club, after all. I won’t ask either of you to leave this lifestyle. Live and die as a Skull Crusher. That’s the club motto, right?”
“I can’t believe what I’m hearing,” Bear muttered. “You could have had so much more. Become someone.”
Lily wasn’t done. It took her a while to realize, but Lily didn’t just stay here in town to look after Bear or because she didn’t want to leave Ripper.
She took a deep breath and continued. “I know you wanted more for me. Along the way, I told myself I wanted the same thing but I don’t. Bear, Windsdale is my home and it’s where I want to put down roots with the man I love.”
Ripper pulled her close and planted a kiss on her mouth, almost a chaste one. Lily shut her eyes, forgetting Bear was still there. Lily could see it now. Ripper would be the first face she’d wake up to every morning in their apartment.
They’d have breakfast every day together, would end the day with Ripper sheathed inside her, reminding her who she belonged to. Maybe somewhere along the line, the topic of kids would come along. She bet Ripper would make such an awesome dad and husband.
As for Bear’s other concerns, Lily, of all people, knew how dangerous the lifestyle could be, but it didn’t matter. She’d take her chances and besides, Ripper would always be by her side. He’d do anything in his power to protect her and their future family.
“I love you so much, baby,” Ripper said after pulling away from the kiss.
Lily didn’t just see possessiveness in his gaze, but also devotion and tenderness. She always loved hearing him utter those three words.
“Me too.”
“I get it,” Bear said. Her father sounded annoyed but Lily no longer detected anger there. Bear almost sounded defeated, but he’d eventually come to accept the fact Ripper was part of her future. “Just don’t kiss and do embarrassing shit in front of me.”
“Does that mean we have your blessing?” Lily asked, teasing him.
Ripper scoffed next to her but she nudged him sharply in the ribs. Bear was making an effort, they both could see that. Unbelievable. Bear was really hell-bent on turning a new leaf. It took a life-and-death situation to wake Bear up, but she had to admit, it was effective. In some ways, she was glad Bear tried to stir up trouble with the Devil Riders. Otherwise, her father might be God knew where, passed out and drunk.
“Let’s not go that far,” Bear said drily. “Seeing the two of you together, that will take some time for me to adjust, but I won’t get in the way anymore.”
“Good. Enough talk. I’m hungry. Let’s order,” Ripper announced.
Lily felt like she was floating on cloud nine. She knew it would take time for Ripper and Bear to go back to being best friends again. The same went for Bear and her to have some kind of father-and-daughter relationship, but it was a start.
Two hours later, they returned to the club house. Ripper helped her down his Harley again and Bear arrived after them. Completely sober. Bear didn’t even stop for a drink at his usual bars tonight.
“Can you go first? I’d like to talk to him for a little while,” she told her man.
Ripper pulled her close and gave her quick, but sharp kiss. One taste of him and she already wanted Ripper to throw her over his shoulder, carry her inside, up the stairs, and throw her on his bed.
“Don’t take too long,” he said.
“I won’t.” Bear parked his bike next to the empty spot beside Ripper’s. He killed the engine and got off. A couple of club whores called to him but he ignored them and walked up to her.
“Thanks,” she said.
“What for?”
“For keeping your promise this time around. For wanting to change and committing to it. Last time you promised to go to an AA meeting, but never did.”
Bear pulled out a cigarette, lit it, and let out a smoke. “Don’t know how long that will last. You know me. I’ll probably end up screwing this up, like everything in my life. Ripper’s right. You’re my greatest achievement and despite my absence, you turned out all right.”
“Don’t talk like that. You contributed plenty of things to the club.”
“In exchange, I neglected my family. If Ripper hadn’t stopped me from going after those Devil Riders, I would have lost everything and ended up dead.” Bear clasped her shoulder. “I’m not going to ask for your forgiveness. We’re beyond that. I’ll just have to show you I can be a better man. A better father.”
“I know you can … Dad.”
Bear dropped his hand and stared at her. He looked like he’d seen a ghost. “Hearing you call me that still takes getting used to.”
“I’ve got to get inside. My man’s waiting for me,” she told him. Lily decided to go before things got too awkward. “Good night, Bear.”
“Sweet dreams, Lily.”
She touched the handle of the door leading to the club house when he called after her.
“What is it?” she asked.
“I’m thinking of selling our old house, moving into a new place. What do you think?”
“A new start? I like it. Sounds like a great idea.”
Chapter Thirteen
Six Months Later
“… and that’s how we ended up with a broken rocking chair,” Ripper overheard Lily telling her best friend, Jessie. Both women giggled. Ripper eyed his bride, already rosy-cheeked and drunk on the dancefloor of the club.
He tugged the stuffy collar of his shirt. All the other Skull Crushers, Bear included, had made fun of him wearing a suit and tie, but he didn’t care. Ripper might not be the tuxedo-wearing type but he’d make a one-time exception for his bride. He strode to his old lady and tapped her on the shoulder.
“Jess, sorry to cut your conversation short but it’s about time Lily and I left,” he said.
“Ripper—” Lily began, silenced when he placed his hands on her waist and hefted her in his arms, puffy dress and all.
She let out a surprised yelp before grabbing on to his shoulders. Ripper ignored the whistles and hoots made by the other MC members and carried his wife out of the club house. He placed her on his bike, careful of her long skirts.
“Hold on tight,” he said, mounting his Harley and grabbing onto the handlebars.
“Bear looked like he wanted a drink but he started smoking instead,” Lily said, placing her arms around his waist. “Did you see that?”
“I did. He probably doesn’t want to think about what I plan to do to that sweet body of yours.”
That got a sultry laugh out of his old lady. Ripper rode out of the parking lot and headed toward their new home. Twenty minutes later, Ripper parked his bike in front of their apartment building. His raging erection hadn’t gone down. He swept his laughing bride into his arms and carried her up two flights of stairs.
Reaching their floor, Lily grabbed the apartment key from his jacket pocket and somehow managed to get the front door opened. He headed inside, kicked the door shut, and took his bride to their bedroom. Ripper threw her on their king-sized bed. Lily let out a squeal as he flipped her back and found the zipper of her dress.
“This is all I could think about the entire time. Me ripping off this dress and fucking you senseless even before the priest asked us to say our vows,” Ripper said.
Those vows. Ripper spent three sleepless nights writing and re-writing them. In the end, he forgot the words as he stared into Lily’s eyes. Whatever he said, her face had lit up. Ripper didn’t care the priest hadn’t told them they could kiss. Once his mouth found hers, she captivated him all over again.
“I’ve been waiting for this moment, too,” she told him.
He licked his lips as he unveiled more of Lily’s creamy skin. Ripper noticed she wore naughty beige underwear underneath. He couldn’t get out of his own clothes fast enough. Ripper threw his last article of clothing, his underwear, only t
o see Lily still on her knees. She had taken off her bra and moved to the edge of the bed, wagging her lace-covered ass at him.
Ripper let out a primitive growl. He grabbed a handful of the fragile fabric, tore it out, and gave her perfectly rounded ass a swat. Lily gasped as Ripper grabbed a pillow from the bed and placed it under her belly.
“Nearly forgot one important thing,” he said. Ripper grabbed the bottle of lube they left in the bathroom last night. He returned to his waiting, very sexy, and naked bride. Lily parted her thighs wider, as if she knew he was standing right there. Ripper caught an excellent view of her ass, the swell of her pussy lips.
“Are you wet for me, baby? I bet you are.”
At those words. Ripper positioned himself behind her. Gripping her ass, he pushed his cock inside her. He shut his eyes and groaned as her pussy muscles clenched his prick hard. Heaven. Being inside his woman was the most amazing feeling in the world. Their bodies, their souls were intimately entwined. Perfect for each other.
Ripper began to fuck her, strokes fast and hard, almost unforgiving. Judging by her moans, he could tell she liked that. She always did when he took control.
He pumped in and out of her, faster, deeper. Ripper reached for the lube. “You ready for me to venture into uncharted territory, baby?”
“I’m ready.”
Ripper drizzled lube down her puckered hole and pushed one, then two fingers in her, all the while continuing to pump in and out of her pussy. He pulled his prick out and guided it to her other hole. She tensed but he slid his fingers between her legs and began rubbing at her clit. Ripper’s balls tightened against his body. He was ready to blow but not yet.
He pushed his prick inside her ass. Lily groaned and gripped the sheets in front of her. After Ripper moved past the thick ring of muscles, Ripper buried himself all the way in. Lily gasped as he pinched her clit. She came, long and hard over his fingers, screaming out his name.
Ripper pistoned in and out of her ass. God. He should take her here more often. Ripper could tell she liked it because she came so fast for him. The next time he thrust inside her ass, all the muscles in his body relaxed. His vision blurred as he emptied his seed down her hole.